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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:蘑菇的一种新奇菌丝附属结构


云南省昆明市云南师范大学附属中学  高 二  方淋




Magic of Mushroom, Coprinus Comatus Damages Nematode with Spiny Balls and Produces Toxins to Immobilize Nematode


Can you image a mushroom can attack nematode? But that is true. Earlier we reported a unique fungal structure called spiny ball on vegetative hyphae of Coprinus comatus contributed to immobilize nematodes. In this study, we showed that purified spiny balls immobilize and kill free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus Goodey in high efficiency. Scanning electron microscopy studies illustrated that the spiny structure damaged the nematode cuticle, suggesting the presence of mechanical force in the process of immobilizing the nematode. Severe injury on nematode cuticle caused leakage of inner material of the nematode. When these structures were ground with liquid nitrogen, the efficacy against nematodes was lost, indicating the shape and the complete structure of the spiny ball are indispensable for its function. Moreover, extracting the structure with organic solvents never lowered their activity against P. redivivus, and the extracts showed no obvious effect on the nematode. We also investigated whether C. comatus was able to produce toxins which would aid in the immobilization of nematodes. Here we presented the identification of 7 toxins isolated from C. comatus which could immobilize the nematodes P. redivivus and Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood. The structure of the toxins was identified with NMR, MS, IR, and UV spectrum data. Two compounds were revealed as novel compounds. The toxins found in C. comatus are O-containing heterocyclic compounds. 

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