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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:离桌式鼠标


成都二十四中学  高三  黄瑞




Free mouse

Computer Sciences

Huang Rui 16,No. 24 Middle School of Chengdu

The purpose of this project is to invent a kind of mouse that can be used freely without the fixed support such as a table, so that it may be applied in more jobs and reduce the users’ fatigue. Its main characters are low cost, acceptable to more people without changing their former habits when using it.

There are two ways in making this kind of mouse. One is to alter the former cursor that scans a fixed plane into one that scans a ball surface which moves together with it. The “universal axis” that is particularly designed supports the aberrant-barycenter ball which is fixed under the cursor. The cursor, via the human hand, will obtain relative displacement away from the ball surface, thus realizes the operation of the mouse. The other way involves aberrant-barycenter wheels, which are stalled vertically, and a mechanical electronic mouse raster axis. The two devices are connected through a rate changeable riving system. With the help of human hand, the relatively stationary wheel drives the raster to operate.

Considering the time, the free mouse designed by above first method operates easy and accurate. It can be used with or without a fixed support. For example, we can use it either dependently e.g. at work, for drawing and games, or independently such as in sofa, bed or for multi-media display. What’s more, the users need no special training in order to manage it freely with no trouble. Therefore, it may greatly reduce the users’ fatigue caused by long time work.


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