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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:虎符算法及其在802.11无线网络安全中的应用研究


东北育才学校  王一洲 朱天禹 王高楠




Introducing Hufoo Algorithm and Implementing in 802.11 Wireless Network Security

Computer Sciences

Wang Yizhou,17  Zhu Tianyu 19 , Wang Gaonan 18, Northeast Yucai School 

Wireless network security is a common concern for the IT professionals. We’ve designed a brand new encryption algorithm-the Hufoo Algorithm, based on the inspiration from ancient Chinese military documents. Hufoo, a tiger-shaped iron-made tally, is a simple and effective  instrument used by ancient Chinese emperors to exercise remote control over troops stationed elsewhere. It was cut into two pieces with random blows, one of which was kept by the emperor and the other by the military officers. An officer dispatched by the emperor to any garrison headquarter was required to present the other half of the tally. The troops could not comply with his orders unless both the tally fitted together.

In a bid to transmit data on a safe and convenient basis on a wireless network, taking advantage of the features of Hufoo, the Hufoo Algorithm simulates the authorization process of Hufoo in data transmission sessions. Without complicated arithmetic computation, the Hufoo Algorithm is identified as a Dynamic Data Split, which has a low requirement for the computation capability of ARM-based embedded platform. This algorithm has been applied to the ad-hoc structure; furthermore, infrastructures WLANs with Hufoo-Firmware Access Points were also investigated. Based on the performance and stability test of extension data under WLAN on campus for several months, we’ve concluded that this algorithm is able to reach a speed of 93%-97% in non-encryption environments, which is higher than those of the mainstream WLAN encryption techniques. Additional methods for further improvement in algorithm’s robustness are also discussed.

(作者:王一洲 朱天禹 王高楠)
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