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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:广西三娘湾中华白海豚繁殖种群的研究



北京市第五中学  高三  陆楷钧


    中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)是我国珍稀濒危兽类,其研究和保护工作为世界所关注。迄今有关中华白海豚种群数量的调查工作比较少。作者于2005年8月、2006年1月、2006年4月、2006年8月三个季节出海进行实地观察,对分布在广西三娘湾海域的中华白海豚的种群数量和结构进行了研究,获取了中华白海豚照片8948张,其中可分析照片1572张。利用拍摄的照片为依据,通过野外观察中华白海豚相对固定的可辨认的特征进行个体识别。采用近似标记重捕法对夏、冬、春三季的中华白海豚进行了数量分析。结果表明,研究区内有中华白海豚124只,其中成年个体所占比例约为36.5%,这一地区的中华白海豚的近交率约为1.09%。


Studies on Sousa chinensis Population in San Niang Wan, Guangxi

——Primary Analysis of Population Size and Age Structure


Animal Sciences

Lu Kaijun  18,Beijing No.5 High School

Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) is a rare and endangered species in China. Recently, public attentions have been raised more and more and studies are conducted on the protection of this animal all over the world. Nevertheless, few studies have been focused on the investigation of its population size. In my study a new method has been developed: the analogous mark-recapture (AMR) method. With this, I investigated the natural population size and age structure in the studied area, namely in the sea of San Niang Wan (108°37′55″-108°51′49″E, 21°28′36″-21°41′16″N), Guangxi Province, South China. I also used the direct-count method for small groups. During the 30-day field observations (in January 2006, February 2006, April 2006 and August 2006), 8948 photos of S. chinensis were taken which formed the basis for the following analyses. Of all the photos, 1572 were selected as valuable and used in AMR analyses. Some special body characteristics detected by the photos were effective in distinguishing individuals of different ages or stages of development; there included body color, dorsal fin shape, dorsal edge pattern of head, and caudal fin shape. Based on these, I attribute successfully recognized 43 different dolphin individuals. Meanwhile, the population sizes in summer, winter, and spring were estimated based on the AMR method. The results showed that 124 Chinese White Dolphins live in the area, of which 36.5 % may be adults. Furthermore, the dolphins’ inbreeding rate is estimated to be 1.09%.


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