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第58届Intel ISEF中国参赛项目:硝基苯污染对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长发育影响的研究


哈尔滨工业大学附属中学   高三  刘峥  杨之光






Effect of Nitrobenzene Pollution on Rice Seed Germinaton and Seeding Growth

Plant Sciences

Liu Zheng, Yangzhiguang 19, The High School Attact to Harbin institute Technology

The nitric  benzene is the graveness pollution source, once leak to produce to the ecosystem environment and agricultures and the city country the residents bring the serious threat healthily.Study the aim at explore the clear nitric   benzene to the influence that the paddy rice teaches the period of  , produce to provide the reference for the paddy rice that is subjected to the pollution threat region.

 Experiment to select by examinations 4 paddy rices the species conduct and actions that the local lord plant to experiment the material originally, take the national drinking water  safety standard(0.017 mgs/ L) as the standard, design 7 processings.Experiment to is divided into the germination to experiment to experiment two stages with rice seedling.Investigate the germination of handle the seed power, germination rate;The stub of the rice seedling is high, number, leaf's number etc. form.All experiment to carry on in the artificial weather box and glass heat room.Experiment the result enunciation:The paddy rice teaches the  period water in the stupid content of the nitric  at the 0.051 mgs/ L( namely the national security drinking water 300%) the following is safe, have no influence to the rice seedling growth.


(作者:刘峥 杨之光)
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